Activations using Sacred Geometry Patterns
Activations are offered as follows
1) Scared Activations
These energetics clears hundreds of belief systems at a time . They help you to get unstuck and transmute dense energies, ridding yourself of old, out-dated belief systems that literally act as prison bars in your life. The Activations unplug you from group consciousness that may be controlling your life…..and you may not even be aware of it. The Third Dimensional grid system is filled with fear and a suffering energy and keeps you locked into those energies.
2) Esoteric Accupuncure Advanced Energetic.
This is the spirirutal side of Accupuncture. In Esoteric Accupuncture, we create Spin Fields whcih are gateways to expanded consciousness which is the journey to healing of the esoteric broken heart. The geometric patterns are then introduced to enable new encoding patterns. The term "light accupuncture needles" refers to spin points formed by frequncy of light. They neither refer to the weight of physical needles nor to the utilisation of a lighting device or lazer at the accupuncutre site.
The energetics provide a bridge to build your Inner Spirirtual Antennna. Based on Dr Sankey's work
Why Sacred Activations?
Sacred Activations unplug you from the group consciousness that may be controlling your life…..and you may not even be aware of it. This planet we call Earth is changing and evolving very quickly. As a world we are moving our vibration from the Third Dimension to the Fifth Dimension. The Third Dimensional grid system is filled with fear and a suffering energy and keeps you locked into those energies.
The easiest way for us to change this situation is to clear out our belief systems to allow ourselves to vibrate at higher and higher levels.
Sacred Activations give you a better connection to see your spirit guides, your Angels, to the Creator of all that is, and to your Higher Self. Allowing you to live in peace, knowing all is well, and that you are safe.
Sacred Activations clear thousands of cultural, religious, and mass consciousness belief systems that keep many of us “stuck” and out of the flow of life.
Sacred Activations
These Activations which clears hundreds of belief systems at a time. Sacred Activations unplugs you from the thousands of cultural, religious, and mass consciousness belief systems that keep many of us “stuck” and out of the flow of life. They unplug you from the group thinking / consciouness of fear and suffering, and feeling unloved. They activate your Sacred Geometry and your 12 strands of DNA without taking months or years.
Sacred Activations ® LLC is a God Modality developed by Tamra Oviatt, the founder, and teacher. It taps into the energy of Source / Creator of all that is/ God .
Full message from Archangel (Lord) Metatron at What Is Sacred Activations?
Some examples of what Evlyn witnessed:
Activation #5 Super DNA . This is one of my favourite . When I did the SA on a student, I witnessed the (Sugar phosphate) backbone of her DNA strand being repaired. This activation improves your DNA and opens you to your full potential.
Activation # The God Codes allows you to see the world through the Creator's eyes, thus enabling you to see through the 3D world . Once you receive this activation you will know that every event happening on this planet is for the highest good of all and for your ultimate growth. Example, there were not much that I witnessed when I was activating the God Codes for a client at all the timelines. However, it was only when I moved on to the Collective Consciouness level , that I witnessed something interesting. I was shown that the client was plugged into the collective consciouness of a very limited 3D view : I saw a rooster with the head enclosed inside a box trying to find his way around! Later I found out from the client that he grew up in a kampung ( Malay word for village ) and the family kept some chickens. So the client immediately could relate to what I was telling him. It showed how unplugging from the collective group thinking of a 3D level, can complete the Activation and 'healing'.
Activation #24 Sacred Blueprint on self : Evlyn's felt the energy lighting up and running on her left half of body first for about 2 miniutes. After it was done , the energy travelled to the right half of her body , light it up and circulating for another 2 minutes. She felt her heart energy opening and expanding outwards , it then went to her throat and then the pelvic area . It was simply awesome.
Activation # Mary Magdelene . At first I thought this activation is for Catholics, but surely it is for all . I did this Activation for a Toaist-Buddhist , and I felt the heavy heart , and later witnessed the heaviness evaporated. Its the essence of the energy that releases you from self judgement and self -punishment. It allows the person to learn, grow and change without beating yourself up for mistakes made in the past.
Beyond the Foundation Set , the Activations are offered by subject matter eg Love Family & Relationship; Aging, Bodywork & Health ; Prosperity & Abundance.
Will I have side effects?
The more you listen to them, the higher you will vibrate. Its best to receive 3 activations at a time and listen to each at least 3 times. Build it up in stages like going up
How fast should you take these Sacred Activations? Your higher self is in charge! So trust and relax and know that you will be feeling much better soon.
Some people feel nothing after the activations. But look back a few days or a few weeks later and you’ll notice how much you will have changed.
How do I get a Sacred Activations (SA)?
This can be done either
a) one-to-one personal Activation (within Singapore) or through Skype (both locally and internationally).
b) Seminar or Webinar as I am a Master practioner qualified to conduct group seminars
1) You start with the Foundation of 26 Activations, As a certiifed Master practitioner and Mastering the Masters of Scared Activations, I can also help you unplug from the 3D Collective/ Group Consciouness/ Thinking at the same time .
2) Attunement . The Metatron Activation & Mother Earth are pre-requisites to all Sacred Activations . They attune you first to these powerful energies. These New Activations/ codes are facilitated by Lord Metratron through the Creator of all that is to help Hu-man kind to match the energies of Earth since 2012.
Beyond Foundation
1) We suggest the groupings to address your needs Master Set Activations or
Evlyn with founder Tamra at Cheddar Gorge, England. ( original home of Cheddar Cheese)
Theta Miraculous SINGAPORELet's keep in touch:
1) We share at Facebook page 'Theta Healing - Singapore' and "ThetaMiraculous Activations".
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4) WhatsApp or sms Evlyn. Its a useful alternative when emails don't get through either way due to a technical glitch.
mobile : +65 97527175
ThetaHealing® Mission: To change one person at a time and show everyone their true connection to Source energy. We aim to bring forward the best in all people.
Our Vision : To em-power you to transform and discover the magnificent being that you are. Become one who can create the reality you desire.
How You See Yourself, Is Everything