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Date: Thu, Apr 14, 2011 at 2:59 PM
Subject: Message from website Deconstructing limiting beliefs
Name: Ms Tan
Subject: Deconstructing limiting beliefs
Hi Evelyn,
I happened to chance upon the thetahealing book at a bookstore.
I understand that there is a component called Belief Work in this healing modality that helps to identify and deprogramming limiting beliefs.
I would like to get help to work on my own beliefs conditioning.
But first could you provide me with a little more info on the thetahealing process in this aspect?
Is it simply sending a request to the 7th plane and requesting the beliefs to be deprogrammed?
As this is the first time I have heard of this module, may I ask how long you have been working with clients in this area?
Could you let me know what are the consultation charges per session?
Thank you
It is best to attend the Basic & Advanced courses which has been designed by Vianna and from there you can empower yourself by starting with "de-constructing limiting beliefs" . I sincerely hope you attend the 2 workshops which will start on Good Friday 22 Apr. https://www.
What is Theta Healing?
ThetaHealing® has been described as an attainable life-altering miracle. It counts as among one of the world’s most effective, versatile and fastest healing modality right now.
Basically, the practitioner goes into a particular meditative state to access the life force of the universe to change any limiting beliefs, teach the body new feelings, and perform physical and emotional healing at all levels of your Being. It is suitable for people of all races, religions and denominations.
ThetaHealing® is discovered by Vianna Stibal in 1995 when she found a way to cure herself from lymphatic cancer after all conventional and alternative therapies have failed. ThetaHealing® gets its name from the Theta brainwave, which vibrates at four to seven cycles per second. In this state, you can have easy access to your subconscious and am connected to the creative force of the universe.
What is a typical Theta Healing session like ?
Steps in a typical ThetaHealing™ session:
1) First we identify an issue that you are currently facing in your life right now.
2) We identify any limiting subconscious beliefs that are supporting this issue through muscle-testing.
3) I as the practitioner will then enter into a conscious Theta brainwave and command the life force in the universe to change the subconscious limiting beliefs, to install any positive feelings to support the new empowering beliefs, and to remove any originating traumas that cause the limiting beliefs and feelings in the first place.
4) We do this until all the conditions that are supporting your issue have been resolved. When you go back to your daily life, you will discover that the issue no longer exists for you. As a result, your thought, feelings, behavior and habit patterns will all start to shift to this new more empowering identity.
Personally, I find the combination of Theta Healing with pure therapeutic grade essential oils* gentle, effective and powerful. Essential oils have been used for centuries in many cultures. The healing propoerties in the plants can heal on a physical level to support the immune system, and more. They can promote the well being of our organs as well as healing on emotional and spiritual levels.
Disclaimer: This therapy is not meant to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent any diseases and illnesses.
Question: Hi Evlyn, I hope you are well. I was looking at theta heling in Singapore and found you. I am a reiki practtioner but am looking to release some past life energies. Can you help or recommned at all? I look forward to hearing from you. Warm wishes.
Hi, past lives are only relevant to this life when they posed issues. The ThetaHealing® technique approach the issues you have identified, and will heal the past life aspects of them where necessary, No matter where a past live trauma surfaced to be addressed, the ThetaHealing® technique is powerful as it heals at 4 levels at the same time ie this current life which is your most important life , genetic level, the history level which includes your past life, and your soul level.
You can have private sessions with me or alternatively join the group webinar. The Activations are best done in sets of three at a time , and bring along 3 crystals and a stone to help you integrate the energies . The attunement set #1 is a prerequisite to all activations.
Sent from my iPad
On Apr 23, 2015, at 1:08 PM, G wrote:
I am interested in the scared activations. How can I go about getting it?
23 Apr (5 days ago)
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Theta Miraculous SINGAPORELet's keep in touch:
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mobile : +65 97527175
ThetaHealing® Mission: To change one person at a time and show everyone their true connection to Source energy. We aim to bring forward the best in all people.
Our Vision : To em-power you to transform and discover the magnificent being that you are. Become one who can create the reality you desire.
How You See Yourself, Is Everything