24/01/2011 21:28

2012 Classes


ThetaHealing® Classes

  1. Basic DNA 1 & 2
  2. Advanced DNA2
  3. Abundance
  4. RHYTHM to a perfect weight


Basic DNA 1 & 2 

2.5 days ( Fri & Sat 10 am - 6 pm , Sun 10 am - 1 pm)

Mar 30 & 31 & Apr 1 or

Jul 20,21 7 22 or

Oct 19, 20 & 21.


Advanced DNA 2

2.5 days ( Fri -Sun )

Apr 20,21 & 22 or

Aug 10,11 & 12 or

Nov 23, 24 & 25.


RHYTHM to a Perfect Weight

1 day ( Sat)

May 19 or

Sep 1 or

Dec 29.


Manifesting & Abundance

2 days ( Fri & Sat)

Jun 22 & 23 or

Sep 28 & 29 or

Dec 21 & 22


Register Your Interest Here with Evlyn today.  She is passionate to share ThetaHealing® with you. 

In Evlyn’s personal journey of self-discovery, she  ‘created’ her own Happiness and Abundance .  Theta Healing® transformed her. She learnt how  to find the beliefs that held her down , and released  those that were not serving her  anymore.  By doing so, she  recovered from her own dis-ease  and it has not returned since. She is now healthy , leads an active life,  raising a family, & swims 3 times a week.


2011 ThetaHealing classes

Basic ThetaHealing         : Oct 27, 28 &  29 , Apr 22- 24

Advanced ThetaHealing : Nov 2 - 4 , 2011, Apr 30 &  May 1 & 2 






Theta Miraculous SINGAPORE

Let's keep in touch:

1) We share at Facebook page 'Theta Healing - Singapore' and "ThetaMiraculous Activations".
2) Be on our mailing list to keep abreast of courses
3) Email via Contact Us
4) WhatsApp or sms Evlyn. Its a useful alternative when emails don't get through either way due to a technical glitch.

mobile : +65 97527175

ThetaHealing® Mission:  To change one person at a time and show everyone their true connection to Source energy. We aim to bring forward the best in all people.

Our Vision :  To em-power you to transform and discover the magnificent being that you are. Become one who can create the reality you desire.


How You See Yourself, Is Everything