ThetaHealing® Game of Life *
Duration: | 3 days |
This course transforms you into a successful player in your Game of Life in a systematic way. Learn the 7 stages to transforming your this life. Have you ever wondered why some play this game called life better than others? Do you want to know how to achieve greater success, happiness, harmony, peace, joy and love in this life? Seize this opportunity to empower yourself . Game of Life is about THIS LIFE and was designed based on real-life success cases. It gives an opportunity to remove specific limiting beliefs and you get to test 300 beliefs which may be your blocks. You will be instilled with 200 downloads of feelings too to support your game in life.
This new 3-day course was designed based on real-life success cases and gives an opportunity to remove specific limiting beliefs and instill hundreds of feelings to achieve greater success in life and business. Vianna has partnered with Hiro in an endeavor to unite spirituality and business, and this seminar is one of the first products from the effort, available through THInK.
Topics include:
- Belief work – Practical Approach . 310 beliefs and 190 downloads!
- Free yourself from parent obligations
- Release traumas
- Get accepted by society
- Handle peer pressure
- Receive infinite abundance
- Grow your business as you wish
- Get ready to succeed
- Get excited
- Visioning and Manifestation
This course started in Japan 2010 and at THInK in 2011.
Hiroyuki Miyazaki (a.k.a. Hiro) is the representative of Japan ThetaHealing. In two years of his tenure, Japan ThetaHealing achieved 900% growth in the organization and increased public recognition through various advertisements, bringing ThetaHealing as one of the most popular healing modalities in Japan. Before ThetaHealing, Hiro worked in financial industry for 17 years, demonstrated his strength of managing large projects in multi-cultural environment. Back in those days, Hiro discovered that business performance is largely affected by people's limiting beliefs, where he succeeded in achieving major performance increase through application of ThetaHealing. Hiro strongly believes that anyone can improve business performance by ThetaHealing technique.
Welcome to the GAME OF LIFE!
It was brought to my attention there is not much information in English available about the Game of Life course that will be taught this summer in Idaho. I hope this information below will give you enough some idea to decide whether to join the class. I will be coming to Idaho for the Game of Life course and its Instructors course in soon.
[the Game of Life Course Description]
This course enables you to transform into a successful player of the game of life. This 3-day course has been created based on real-life success cases and gives an opportunity to remove specific limiting beliefs and instill hundreds of feelings to achieve greater success in life and business.
Topics include:
* Belief work Basics
* Free yourself from parent obligations
* Releasing the past
* Get accepted by society
* Handle peer pressure
* Receive infinite abundance
* Get ready to succeed
* Visioning and Manifestation
Prerequisite: Thetahealing Advanced DNA course
Some more information about the course...
This is a new course and it is introduced outside of Japan first time this summer. It is a life-changing course and I recommend this course to whoever has dreams, goals, objectives that they want to accomplish.
I taught this course several times and the people who took this course are experiencing immediate and practical results, such as increasing their business, meeting soulmate and improving relationships, creating abundance, acquiring place to live and work, etc. It is amazing how many people achieved what they had been dreamed of.
There will be 6 belief work sessions in three days using belief checklists for the topics listed above. There will also be 2 group sessions, one for Divine Timing reading and another for manifestation.
The checklist is created based on real-life cases to achieve practical results. Even experienced ThetaHealers will find many limiting beliefs that are holding them back.
Here are some samples of beliefs from the checklist. Each of the 6 topics has a belief checklist and a set of downloads.
- I am afraid of having too much business to handle.
- I am afraid of receiving complaints.
- I have to obey my clients.
- I have to compromise in order to please clients.
- Sales is the worst kind of work.
- I hate speaking in public.
- I always fail right before success.
- I am afraid that I will stop growing when I succeed.
- I am afraid that I will stop learning when I succeed.
- I am afraid that I will get bored when I succeed
- I have to be right all the time.
- I have to be perfect all the time.
- I have to meet my parents’ expectations.
- My opinion is of no importance.
- My friends will attack me if I succeed.
Includes: Game of Life Practitioner Manual
Prerequisites: | Basic DNA, Advanced DNA |
* PRIVATE sessions
As this is a self -development course , it is also offered one-to-one over 8 private sessions of 90 min. (1.5 hours) each. This can be either in person via Skype. There will be no workbook and no certification for private sessions. Prerequisite : None. Contact Us
Melding Of Business With Spirituality
“Understand this: Your feeling of abundance in business is the way contests work on your planet-someone wins and someone loses. It’s an old paradigm that has nothing to do with your inter dimensional life, and does not represent the way things work inter dimensionally. No, your life is much different from this, and so is business. I want to talk about business and money challenges for some of you. First, you don’t think Spirit knows about this, do you? Spirit is a master business partner and knows how it all works! But we know you don’t really think so…
Perhaps you are a good businessperson. You might not want to consult Spirit because you think God is about things that are spiritual-and business is not! I have news for you-the best business people in the world are the ones on the Other Side of the veil, sitting next to you,called your guides! They know more about business than you ever will … That’s where the source is and where the synchronicitiy comes from, you know. Why would you separate business from energy? Why would you separate business from spirituality? …..
Here’s how interdimensionality business works. It’s done with visualization in a very special way….And did I mention that it takes compassion? First visualize your competitors… Visualize them with more customers than they could ever handle… Give away the fear, fill the pockets of your competitors with your visualization. Then see yourself abundant as well, and feel the same joy as they do. See both of you successful.Then watch what happens in your life…. You see, we are looking at an inter dimensional situation where the game ends with a win-win. There’s no finite amount of abundance. It comes from many sources that you never knew were there!
When you have a room filled with humans who need healing, is there a fear that there isn’t enough to go around? No! There is never a question about the abundance of Spirit’s gift. Then why is there a problem with business or money? It’s from the same Source!”
- a message from Kryon as channeled by Mr. Lee Carroll.
Theta Miraculous SINGAPORELet's keep in touch:
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mobile : +65 97527175
ThetaHealing® Mission: To change one person at a time and show everyone their true connection to Source energy. We aim to bring forward the best in all people.
Our Vision : To em-power you to transform and discover the magnificent being that you are. Become one who can create the reality you desire.
How You See Yourself, Is Everything