Recommended Reading
ThetaHealing Introducing an Extraordinary Energy Healing Modality –
Both the Basic and Advanced ThetaHealing books are now available at Kinokuniya , Singapore. Publisher: Hay House

Advanced ThetaHealing Harnessing the Power of All That Is –
In her first book Vianna Stibal, the creator of ThetaHealing, introduced this amazing healing technique to the world.
Based on thousands of sessions with clients who experienced remarkable healings with Vianna, this comprehensive follow-up is an in-depth exploration of the work and processes central to ThetaHealing, giving the reader a detailed guide to the Feeling, Belief, and Digging Work, as well as further information on the 7 Planes of Existence that allow us to connect to the highest level of love and energy of All That Is.
Based on thousands of sessions with clients who experienced remarkable healings with Vianna, this comprehensive follow-up is an in-depth exploration of the work and processes central to ThetaHealing, giving the reader a detailed guide to the Feeling, Belief, and Digging Work, as well as further information on the 7 Planes of Existence that allow us to connect to the highest level of love and energy of All That Is.
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mobile : +65 97527175
ThetaHealing® Mission: To change one person at a time and show everyone their true connection to Source energy. We aim to bring forward the best in all people.
Our Vision : To em-power you to transform and discover the magnificent being that you are. Become one who can create the reality you desire.
How You See Yourself, Is Everything