Welcome Katrina!
We warmly welcome Katrina Yull to Singapore. She will be our guest on 21 May 2011, Sat at 11.00 am . Evlyn and Katrina will jointly introduce ThetaHealing to you.
This is a FREE talk to whoever is interested to find out more about the world's fastest growing modality. Katrina will give a free healing to one of the participants on Saturday. Please place your reservations with Evlyn at thetamiraculous@gmail.com. Limitied seats available at YOGA INN #02-16 Waterloo Centre, 261 Waterloo Street. We also like to thank Yoga Inn for hosting this event.
About Katrina
Katrina has been working for 20 years with adolescent children. Her experience has given her knowledge and compassion for the needs of the parent, children and individual. She says of ThetaHealing: " I have found this technique to be the most powerful. The main changes within me are empowering and have helped my own journey in life supporting my family and healing other people. The journey of empowerment is incredible" . She has a successful practice in Energy Works and teaches ThetaHealing in Perth, Bali and Jakarta.
Theta Miraculous SINGAPORELet's keep in touch:
1) We share at Facebook page 'Theta Healing - Singapore' and "ThetaMiraculous Activations".
2) Be on our mailing list to keep abreast of courses
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4) WhatsApp or sms Evlyn. Its a useful alternative when emails don't get through either way due to a technical glitch.
mobile : +65 97527175
ThetaHealing® Mission: To change one person at a time and show everyone their true connection to Source energy. We aim to bring forward the best in all people.
Our Vision : To em-power you to transform and discover the magnificent being that you are. Become one who can create the reality you desire.
How You See Yourself, Is Everything